Cleanings & Prevention

(705) 372-1601

Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning is where a Dental Hygienist will be removing the plaque and tartar build up that collects in the area that are more difficult to clean. This treatment is often paired with a recall examination.

First Visit

A child’s first visit can be as soon as they have teeth. At their first visit, we will show them the office, show them how our instruments work, have a chair “ride” and meet the dentist. Just by coming for a visit, the child will acknowledge that a dental visit is not as scary as it may seem.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a protective barrier placed on adult teeth to prevent tooth decay.  They are commonly placed on children.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride deficiency puts teeth at a greater risk for cavities. At your check up, we can determine whether your teeth would benefit from a fluoride supplement. If we find that your teeth could use a boost, we'll recommend a simple solution.

Mouth Guards

Helmets, kneepads, shin guards… if you’re an athlete or the parent of one, you know the importance of proper protective gear. But did you know that up to 40 percent of all sports injuries involve the face? Protect your smile and your mouth with a comfortable, custom-moulded sports guard to dramatically reduce the risk of sports-related oral injury.

Desensitization Agent Application

For those with extra-sensitive teeth, our dentists can apply a special medication that reduces tooth sensitivity that may occur as a reaction to temperature changes and sugary foods. There are different types of desensitizing agents used by dentists, and they include topical fluoride or other varnishes that are highly effective at countering tooth sensitivity.

Be sure to tell us if you have sensitive teeth, so that your treatment can be planned accordingly.

Combining Function And Beauty

We combine expertise with state-of-the-art technology to deliver an unmatched patient experience.



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